Pool Leak Detection

Leak Detection

Does your pool have a leak? If so, it may not immediately be obvious. Most pool leaks don’t drain your pool’s water fast enough for you to notice. Instead, they slowly allow water to drain from  your pool through cracks, holes, or fissures in the foundation.

Unfortunately, this is worse because when water gets trapped in the spaces between your pool’s floor and walls, it can continually erode and weaken these areas, possibly leading to an eventual collapse – which is something you will be able to see with the naked eye.

Step By Step

Leak Detection

You may not be able to tell if your pool has sprung a leak. But the professionals at Step by Step Pool certainly can. We use our experience, knowledge, and specialized tools to perform leak detection services on pools throughout South Florida.

Catching a leak as early as possible is the best way to prevent it from causing maximum damage. An early fix usually is the most cost-effective solution. By identifying and correcting a small problem, you can prevent a larger one from happening. And it may even save your pool from more serious problems years from now.

Step by Step Pools

If you think you might have a leak, if it’s been a while since you had your pool serviced by professionals, or even if you’ve never had leak detection services before, it’s probably time to call Step by Step Pools. Our team of experienced pool professionals will be dispatched to your home to inspect your pool.

We will look for potential leaks and other problem spots. If we identify any, we can immediately address them. That can save you b both money and pool downtime for you and your family. This summer, start your pool maintenance right with leak detection services from Step by Step Pools.