More than Two Decades of Pool Construction Experience

20 years of experience

If you do anything for 20 years, you are probably going to become pretty good at it. Think about something you’ve been mastering for the past two decades. It could be something as simple as a passion for a hobby you pursue or a specialized skill like bookkeeping or masonry.

Time makes us all masters of our domain. And Step by Step Pools has spent the past twenty years building, renovating, and repairing pools throughout South Florida — and now we’re the best there is! While there are lots of pool construction companies in our area, there aren’t many that have the experience we do, nor the passion for building creative, reliable pools you can depend on.

20 Years of Excellence

You might think that pools are built pretty much the same way as they always have. But that’s not accurate. Through the past two decades, pool construction has actually changed quite a bit.

There are new, stronger, and more durable materials, better technology for mechanical systems like pumps and automated chemical balancers, and even new and exciting design features like water walls and infinity pools. But perhaps the biggest change is that most clients want new pools that are unique and spectacular. And that’s where our expertise comes into play.

Step by Step Pools

There are lots of pool companies in South  Florida that can build the same pool over and over again. But these cookie-cutter pools don’t inspire the thrill and excitement that a new pool from Step by Step Pools does.


We collaborate with our clients to create exciting pools that are uniquely theirs and reflect their own personalities. Our pools are designed to fit your specific space and feature all the design elements you want. That’s the benefit of choosing a pool company that has been building amazingly beautiful and durable pools for more than 20 years.

pool service Manalapan