Pool Envy Is Real

pool service Manalapan
Pool Envy Is Real

Backyard Swimming Pool


Are you proud of your backyard swimming pool? Do you like to show it off to your friends and neighbors? Or are you embarrassed about your pool and avoid letting anybody into your backyard?

The pool you have says something about who you are. It represents your stature, your character, and even your standing. Your reputation within your community can be boosted if you have a great pool. But it can be damaged if your pool is outdated, in poor repair, or otherwise embarrassing.

Pool envy is real. People pay attention to things like the way people’s homes look and especially the condition of their pool. So if you have a cruddy pool that your feel you need to hide, a simple phone call to Step by Step Pools is all it takes to start rebuilding your prestige and prominence.

Pool Envy

Think about a swimming pool that you have seen that was truly impressive. How did it make you feel about its owner? Probably, you felt they were an important and influential person because they had a pool that was unique, exciting, and spectacular.

Now you can have that kind of pool right in your own backyard. At Step by Step Pools, we help homeowners just like you get the kind of stunning, awe-inspiring pools you deserve. Through the years, you’ve put a lot of time, energy, and money into building an impressive home. So why let your backyard swimming pool ruin it all?

Step by Step Pools

With Step by Step Pools renovating or replacing your pool with a breathtaking new one, your pool can be the envy of the neighborhood.


People will be giving you the kind of honor and deference that you deserve. And it’s all thanks to your custom-built swimming pool from Step by Step Pools.

Pavers Add Elegance to Pool Decks

Pavers Add Elegance to Pool Decks


Are you looking for a way to spruce up your backyard swimming pool? Then consider replacing your current decking or other surrounding surfaces with smooth, elegant pavers.

Pavers come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and colors so you can find one that perfectly complements your backyard space. Pavers add to the aesthetic appeal of your pool area while adding safety and security to your swimming pool. They also can add value to your home and can last a lifetime.

Pavers for Your Pool

Why pavers over wood planks, cement, or other materials? First, they offer more versatility. With unique patterns and distinct textures and tones, you can add the luxury of natural stone while instantly increasing the sophistication of your pool area.

Another benefit is durability. Step by Step’s porcelain pavers can last for decades without scratching, staining, or fading — every with everyday use. They also are strong enough to stand up to South Florida’s heat and humidity.

Cleaning and maintaining pavers is fast and easy. Simply spray them down with a hose and they look as good as new. And unlike other decking, they never warp, fade, or stain. And they don’t require frequent maintenance or sealing. In fact, they are maintenance-free!

Step by Step Pools

Replacing your current decking material with porcelain pavers not only adds beauty and luxury to your pool area but can also increase the potential resale value of your home. Even if you aren’t planning on moving anytime soon, when you finally do decide to buy another home it’s reassuring to know you can get more for your current property thanks to your luxurious pavers.


If you want to add elegance to your backyard pool area while giving your family a safer and more secure swimming experience, let Step by Step Pools install luxurious maintenance-free pavers to your backyard deck

Pool Leak Detection

Pool Leak Detection

Leak Detection

Does your pool have a leak? If so, it may not immediately be obvious. Most pool leaks don’t drain your pool’s water fast enough for you to notice. Instead, they slowly allow water to drain from  your pool through cracks, holes, or fissures in the foundation.

Unfortunately, this is worse because when water gets trapped in the spaces between your pool’s floor and walls, it can continually erode and weaken these areas, possibly leading to an eventual collapse – which is something you will be able to see with the naked eye.

Step By Step

Leak Detection

You may not be able to tell if your pool has sprung a leak. But the professionals at Step by Step Pool certainly can. We use our experience, knowledge, and specialized tools to perform leak detection services on pools throughout South Florida.

Catching a leak as early as possible is the best way to prevent it from causing maximum damage. An early fix usually is the most cost-effective solution. By identifying and correcting a small problem, you can prevent a larger one from happening. And it may even save your pool from more serious problems years from now.

Step by Step Pools

If you think you might have a leak, if it’s been a while since you had your pool serviced by professionals, or even if you’ve never had leak detection services before, it’s probably time to call Step by Step Pools. Our team of experienced pool professionals will be dispatched to your home to inspect your pool.

We will look for potential leaks and other problem spots. If we identify any, we can immediately address them. That can save you b both money and pool downtime for you and your family. This summer, start your pool maintenance right with leak detection services from Step by Step Pools.

Custom Pool Design for Distinctive Homes

Custom Pool Design For Distinctive Homes

South Florida Pools

In many of South Florida’s most exclusive neighborhoods, every home is unique. Drive down any block in places like Coral Gables or West Palm Beach and you likely won’t see the same type of house twice.

Shouldn’t the backyard swimming pools behind these famous houses have the same kind of distinction? At Step by Step Pools, we design, build, and service custom pools for many of the most luxurious homes in South Florida. There are a lot of famous and wealthy people living in our community. So as an area known for luxury and celebrity, South Florida has a reputation to uphold. Our unique custom-created pools ensure our prestigious stature is maintained.

Custom Pools

A custom pool from Step by Step Pools is built exclusively for each singular client. Your backyard swimming pool will be created to fit the space, the character of the owner, and the design of the house and property that surrounds it. We take into account things like weather patterns, landscaping, and design elements, incorporating all of these into a custom pool design that is uniquely yours.

Your home doesn’t look like any other house in the neighborhood. So why should your pool? Custom pool construction services from Step by Step Pools ensure your house stands out from the crowd and that your prominence in the community is upheld. It’s what we do best.

Step by Step Pools

At Step by Step Pools, we have been helping homeowners of distinction throughout South Florida get the custom-built pools they deserve. Rather than building cookie-cutter pools that all look the same, we collaborate with our clients to create pools that are unique, exciting, and luxurious.

Don’t be like everybody else. Let Step by Step Pools create the custom pool that reflects your reputation as well as your stature.

Add Pool Maintenance to Your Business’s Budget

pool care Boca Raton
Add Pool Maintenance to Your Business's Budget

Businesses Pools

Businesses that own pools — such as hotels, resorts, condo associations, and educational and healthcare institutions — are often surprised when their pools break down, become dirty, or otherwise are taken out of service. Pool panic is something many business owners experience.

When a business loses use of its pool — even temporarily — it can lose money. So keeping pools clean, efficient, and operational is just good business.  That’s why adding pool maintenance as a line item in your monthly budget is essential for keeping your revenue streams flowing.

Business Plan

Some businesses opt to maintain their pool themselves. This is fine as long as your maintenance crew is trained on the proper techniques for keeping a pool running safely. But if they lack the necessary skills or you have a high turnover in your janitorial staff, you could be putting the pool users at risk.

A better plan is to trust the professionals at Step by Step Pools. We clean, maintain, and even repair pools for many of the most successful businesses throughout South Florida. And when the cost is already built into your budget, you never have to worry.

We will service your pool according to a regular schedule. If there is an emergency or unexpected change in the condition of your pool, simply give us a call and we will be there immediately to get your pool back in service as quickly as possible.

Step by Step Pools

Clean, appealing swimming pools are a selling point for many businesses. Keeping your pool in optimal condition depends on having it serviced by experienced professionals like the ones at Step by Step Pools.


Don’t take chances with your business.  Make pool service part of your budget and let Step by Step Pools take care of your pool so that you never have to worry about it again.

pool care Boca Raton

Repair Broken Pools Quickly

pool companies Fort Lauderdale
Repair Broken Pools Quickly

Broken Pools

One of the most frustrating things for a homeowner is having a backyard swimming pool and not being able to use it. Broken, damaged, or dirty pools are a nuisance. But they are one you don’t have to live with very long thanks to Step by  Step Pools.

With just one phone call, our team of experienced, knowledgeable pool technicians can be dispatched to your home to get your pool back in operation as quickly as possible. From minor jobs like chemical balancing to major repairs like fixing leaks or entire replacements, you can have your pool up and running in as little time as possible thanks to our skilled team of pool professionals.

Quick Repairs

Step by Step Pools has helped hundreds of homeowners in South Florida enjoy their luxurious and refreshing backyard swimming pools. From pool construction to pool repairs and cleaning, we have the tools, experience, and motivation to perfect your pool regardless of its current condition. Even if your backyard pool has been out of service for months or even years, we can get it operational quickly, efficiently, and safely.

We specialize in helping people get their pools back in use by solving problems and making the repairs they need with intelligence and knowledge.

Step by Step Pools

Summer swimming season is already here. So the last thing you need is a pool you can’t use. It’s not just inconvenient, it also can be unsafe.

Step by Step Pools can restore your pool to its original condition and allow you and your family to enjoy it as an escape from the heat and humidity. And it all begins with just one call.

So what are you waiting for? If your pool is just sitting there not doing you any good at all, call Step by Step Pools and let use make it right.

pool companies Fort Lauderdale

Building Custom Pools to Fit Any Backyard

Pool Service in Weston
Building Custom Pools to Fit Any Backyard

"My backyard is too small for a pool."

At  Step by Step Pools, this is a complaint we hear frequently. The truth is practically any backyard can accommodate an in-ground swimming pool when it is custom built.

A pool doesn’t have to be Olympic-sized to provide your family with hours of fun and recreation. Even a modest pool can serve as a relaxing place to have fun together as a family, entertain friends and neighbors, or serve as a private respite for soaking in the sun or enjoying a swim alone.

Custom-Built Pools

At Step by Step Pools, we have built dozens of pools in backyards that are probably smaller than yours.  We’ve also installed spas, hot tubs, lap pools, and other types of pools in homes, apartment complexes, condominium buildings, townhouses, and other spaces.

Pools don’t have to be huge to be fun. Even a modest swimming pool can bring pleasure when it’s custom-built properly.

Because each pool is custom-built, you get to decide the size and shape. Even if you have a backyard that isn’t sprawling, there’s almost always room to add a swimming pool. In fact, you may be surprised by how large a pool you may be able to fit in your yard when you don’t limit your creativity and imagination.

Step by Step Pools

Building custom pools to best fit the available space is what we do at Step by Step Pools. Adding an in-ground pool increases the value of your property while offering your family a place to spend more quality time together.


If you don’t think you have enough room for a swimming pool in your backyard, think again. Step by Step Pools has the expertise, knowledge, experience, and creativity to maximize your space and add fun, excitement, and value to your home.

Pool Service in Weston

How to Tell If Your Pool Is Leaking

pool maintenance boca raton
How to Tell If Your Pool Is Leaking

Pool leaks

Pool leaks can be caused by cracks or holes in the floor or walls, malfunctioning equipment, or seepage. But they often happen so slowly that it’s difficult to tell you have a leak until it’s already done damage to the structure of  your pool.

So how can you tell if you have a leak? By using a few simple tricks, it’s actually quite easy.

Identifying Leaks

A major leak will be obvious. There likely will be a dramatic drop in the pool water level and even pooling, dampness, or sogginess in the grassy area around your pool.  You may even see cracks in your concrete or warped boards on your pool deck.

But slower leaks take a little more skill to spot. One way is to use a crayon to mark the water level. A crayon can more easily be wiped away than, say, a permanent marker. Then check the place where you made the mark every few days. If there is a leak, the crayon line will be above the water level.

If you suspect you have a leak in your pool, acting sooner is better than waiting. The longer you wait, the more damage the water can do to your pool walls, the ground underneath and beside it, and even the foundation of your home.

Step by Step Pools

Rather than waiting, a better plan is to call the professionals at Step by Step Pools. We work with leaking pools every day, so we know exactly what to look for and, more importantly, how to fix it.


Repairing a leak quickly not only lets you get back to enjoying your pool but also helps protect your investment in your backyard and your home. Step by  Step Pools can repair your leaking pool so it is back in service with minimal disruption to your backyard fun.

Professional Swimming Pools Technician Performing Seasonal Maintenance