How To Test Your Swimmingpool Water- Taylor Test Kit


Test and Clean Your Pool

Testing your pool regularly is how you keep it looking and feeling sparkling clean and clear.

The test results let you know what pool maintenance you need to conduct on your pool, such as balancing the pH level or giving it the shock treatment.

Testing should typically be done every week. However, if your pool gets a lot of traffic or lives through a violent rainstorm, you might want to test it more often.

Using the Taylor Test Kit

If you are using a Taylor Test Kit, then you will get the most accurate readings for your pH level.

To test for a pH level, take out the vial for checking pH levels and dip in straight into the water, flip it over, and then bring it straight out of the water. Don’t swish it around.

Keep your vial straight or you run the risk of getting an inaccurate reading.

Next, take the vial of R004 and hold the pool water vial nice and straight. Add five drops of R004 to the pool water and then cover it and give it a shake.

Now you can read your measurements and discard. Don’t throw it back in the pool but you can rinse out the vial in the pool water.

Testing Pool Water with Taylor Test Kit

The Taylor Test Kit also contains vials to test cholrine, alkalinity, calcium hardness and cyanuric acid levels. Each test is as simple as the pH test.

Each time you use the Taylor Test Kit, simply follow the instructions and you will get an accurate reading every time.

Pool water testing is part of the routine maintenance of being a pool owner. To keep your pool sparkling clean and clear takes a delicate balance of pool chemicals.

The Taylor Test Kit is how you learn what your pool needs – more or less chlorine, for example, along with what chemicals to use for whatever test results come to the surface.

If you need further help please call 561-567-0317 or visit our contact page today!

Safety Tips – Few Reasonsto Install a Pool Fence


Pool Safety

Pool safety is a must. When installing a pool fence you want to make sure that you are completely enclosing the pool area.

Both an above ground pool or in ground pool should be fenced. There should be only one gate leading into the pool area with a lock high enough a child cannot reach it.

You could also put a gate alarm on the gate to provide more protection.

Make sure that you install the fence according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If you are not sure how to Install the pool fence, hire a professional.

Why Should You Install a Pool Fence?

One of the most important reasons that you should install a pool fence is to keep children and pets safe.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) drowning is the second leading cause of death for children under the age of fourteen.

Many of these drowning happen in their own backyard pool. Young children are naturally inquisitive and have no sense of danger.

If a pool is unfenced, it is only natural for them to wander too close and accidentally fall in.

They could be thinking about the fun they had in the pool or the water could lure them in. Most children love water.


Unfortunately, it can only take a few seconds for a small child to drown. Many animals have an instinct for swimming. Some do not so they could jump or fall in and drown.

My Swimming Pool Is Greenhow Can I Fix It?


Pool Water

Whether your pool water is green from being covered all winter or you wake up one morning to find it turning a pale shade of green and watching, desperately, as it gets greener and greener no matter what you do.If you have green pool water preventing you from diving in, here are a few simple steps to follow to get your pool sparkling blue once again.

Few Tips on How to Fix Your Green Pool

Step 1: Decrease the Pool’s pH Level
This step is easy and can be done by following the instructions with a pH decreaser.

This will get your pool on its way to sparkling clear. But hold off on having a pool party until you’ve completed the rest of the steps.

Step 2: Shock the Pool

In order to get your pool to the point where it’s swimmable, you’ll need to shock it. The reason your pool is green is from the abundance of organic matter floating around.

However, when you shock your pool by following the instructions on the product, the green organic matter will start to dissolve.

Shocking your pool after use by a lot of people or right after a heavy rain is also a good idea if you want to prevent your pool from turning green.

Step 3: Loosen the Algae
To really have a sparkling pool, all the leftover algae needs to be gone. Not one speck can be left to thrive.

However, before you can kill it off, the algae needs to be loosened up from its clumpy condition.

Use a high potency flocculent to get the job done. Be sure to follow the instructions exactly.

Step 4: Get Rid of the Algae
Now it is time to kill the algae – every last bit. To do this, add a high potency algaecide to the pool water by following the instructions on the packaging.

After following these steps, you will turn your pool from green to blue and will be enjoying it in no time.